Language Delays and Behavior Problems with HI children

November 19, 2016
Counselling & The Hearing Impaired
November 22, 2016

Language Delays and Behavior Problems with HI children

“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”–                                                                                                                                                 – Dennis P. Kimbro

Confronted with a child’s hearing loss, many parents instantaneouslysee tremendous difficulty for the future of their child. Thoughhearing loss always has some degree of impactbut the amount of the impact depends on lot of factors, including the degree of hearing loss, consistent use of hearing aids, and – very importantly – on the attitude and support of the parents.

Parents need to understand that families are the most important element to the success of a child with hearing loss.Research has confirmed that positive interactions within the family can have a substantial and lasting influence on their child’s long-term development and success.

Interaction between the parent and the child with Hearing loss forms a base for the child to develop spoken language. Parent need to apply extra effort to help their child participating in the conversations with them as well as with the peers and social group.

In the evidence of behavior, problems are often seen in children with Hearing Loss such as Hyperactivity and Aggression, It can be the outward expression of their inner conflict of not able to express properly. They may withdraw from peer interaction due to the extra demand in communication. The study done by Donahue, also support this, it says Children with language delays have difficulties expressing their needs, which others have suggested may lead to frustration and acting out behavior.

Lot number of researches has been done to prove that parent-child communication contributes to child behavior problems and parenting stress, suggesting it is an important target for intervention.

Children depend on their parents to learn how to regulate their emotions. Poor communication between parents and children may interfere with this process and may be interpreted by others as negativity or problem behavior (Vaccari&Marschark).

Children’s language skills may also influence parent-child interactions through one or both of the following pathways: (1) they could directly help children regulate their attention, emotion, and behavior or (2) they could facilitate communication with parents enabling children and parents to coordinate their interactions (Gallagher, 1999). Strong support has recently been found for both pathways in children who are deaf (Barker et al., 2009), suggesting that children’s language abilities strongly. It has also been suggested that poorer parent-child communication may relate to emotional regulation.

Parents need to be able to distinguish between what the child’s needs are and what is in the best interests of their child. They need to accept the situation. Early acceptance is the step to the growth and betterment of the child. As the delay in adapting the situation have adverse results, also supported by the study which says this process of adaptation can result in disrupted interactions that strain parents and children which, in turn, may negatively affect parenting roles and responsibilities (Quittner et al;Tamis-LeMonda, Uzgiris, & Bornstein, 2002).

The sooner Hearing loss is discovered and effectively managed, the better are the prospects for your child and family.

Parents of hearing impaired children have thin margins to work with, and recognizing when to let go and when to protect is the art of parenting.Be patient and establish a stress-free space for the child to communicate. Your child with hearing loss has infinite perspectives in life – but to unlock the full potential they will be needing your full support.

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